Contract ratified by Members at Lassonde Beverages

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October 23, 2017

On October 14, 2017, members at Lassonde ratified a new agreement, which includes a number of monetary and language improvements.

UFCW Locals 175 & 633 - Lassonde Beverages Negotiating Committee October 2017Wages increase by a total $2.50 per hour over the four-year term. The first increase is retroactive for hours worked since July 1, 2017. Additionally, Filler and Sidel Downstream classifications receive a wage adjustment of 75 cents per hour effective January 2018. Shift premiums improve by 10 cents per hour for Afternoon and Overnight work on July 1, 2018.

The employer will increase its contribution matching for the workers’ RRSP plan to 2.25%, up from 2%, as of July 1, 2018, and then to 2.5% on July 1, 2020. In addition, other monetary improvements include an enhanced tool allowance of $150, up from $120. Language improvements provide six hours’ reporting pay for 12-hour shift employees as well.

In July 2019, members receive an additional floating holiday, which brings the total to three per year. Bereavement entitlement improves for those on 12-hour shifts. Numerous other language improvements address layoffs, enhanced bumping rights, the distribution of overtime, and work on stat holidays.

Union Negotiating Committee: Saeed Chohan, Tony Congiusti, Ryan Rivera, and Union Rep Matt Davenport.

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