Contract ratified at Metro March Road

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February 11, 2019

A Union member casts their ballot at the Metro March Road ratification vote.

Members at Metro March Road ratified a new agreement recently.

The three-year deal for members at Metro March Road provides three $900 lump sum payments for full-time employees at the end rate paid between now and May 1, 2020. Similarly, part-time employees at the end rate receive three lump sum payments of $500. In addition, part-time will see wage adjustments as part of the improved minimum wage grid. Employees required to perform Shipping & Receiving duties for two or more hours per day receive a shift premium of 50 cents per hour for hours so worked.

Part-time employees with three years or more of service receive a minimum hours’ guarantee of 24 per week, up from 18. Those part-timers with more than five years’ service get a guarantee of 28 hours per week, up from 20. The boot allowance increases to $100 per year for full-time, and $100 every two years for part-time.

A new health plan includes a drug card, plus improvements to provide 100% coverage on generic drugs and 80% on brand-name. Vision care now provides $200 plus $50 toward eye exams as well. Members receive up to $400 per 24-month period toward the purchase of orthotics.

Members can now take bereavement leave within 15 days of the family member’s death, and can save a day for later internment. In addition, the leave can be taken in up to three separate blocks of time.

UFCW Local 175 Metro March Road Negotiating CommitteeThe more than 60 members of the bargaining unit at the store secured the renewal agreement at a ratification vote on January 24, 2019.

Union Negotiating Committee: Spencer Griffin, Martin Larocque, Nicole Saumier, Allan Williamson and Union Rep Shannon Epp.

You can see recent negotiations updates from across all of our sectors here.

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