Collins’ ValuMart in Burks Falls ratifies new agreement
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August 23, 2021
The members in Burks Falls employed at Collins’ ValuMart ratified a new five-year agreement on August 16, 2021. Wage increase are as follows: Year 1 – Full and Part-time $0.25/hr retroactive to date of expiry, Year 2 -$0.25/hr, Year 3 – $0.25/hr, Year 4 – $0.25/hr, Year 5 – $0.30/hr for a total increase of $1.30 over the 5-year term. There will also be a new closing premium of $8.00/shift. The end rate for the part-time scale will be reduced to 5951+ from 6501+ hours.
Despite the many concessions proposed by the employer we were able to present an agreement with zero concessions.
Union negotiating committee: Brad Crozier, Michael Lipowski, Michelle Putman. Union rep: Derek Jokhu.