Cintas Route Sales Reps and Production in Sault Ste. Marie ratify

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October 19, 2021

On October 4, 2021, Cintas (Production) ratified a two-year agreement with wage increases of 3.1% over the next 2 years and a $1,000 lump sum payment in lieu of retro.

Benefit improvements include that the RRSP matching contribution increased from $873.60 per year to $956.80.

Language improvements include the addition of two paid personal days per year and new vacation language that allows members to carry over up to 2 weeks of vacation from year to year. The boot allowance will increase to $170 up from $135.

Union negotiating committee: Kathryn Maahs. Union Rep: Jim Hames

On October 6, 2021 the Cintas (Route Sales Representatives) also ratified a two-year agreement that will include a 4% wage increase over the term.

The RRSP matching contribution will increase by $.25 per hour worked.

Language improvements include new vacation language which allows members to carry over up to 2 weeks of vacation from year to year, new Seniority/Job posting language that allows members to post into vacant routes and the boot allowance will increase to $250 up from $160.

Union negotiating committee: Bryce Grimard. Union Rep: Jim Hames

Catch up on all the negotiation highlights from across the province here.

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