Christian Horizons employees join UFCW 175
July 16, 2019
Welcome to employees at Christian Horizons Central Toronto District!
Recently, about 375 health and community care providers employed at Christian Horizons in Toronto, Richmond Hill, and Vaughan, became some of the newest members of UFCW Local 175.
This caring group of workers provides support and services to adults with exceptional needs who require assistance in their day-to-day lives. This location employs about 150 full-time and 225 part-time plus relief health care workers. Employees work as Direct Support Professionals (DSPs), Developmental Support Workers (DSWs), and day-program co-ordinators as well.
Some of the concerns that led Christian Horizons employees to seek Union representation included hours of work and scheduling, plus not getting paid properly for breaks and lunch. In addition, seniority was another issue the employees wanted to address, especially in terms of favouritism and job security. Wages, benefits and pension, as well as health and safety – including harassment – were also issues brought forth by the employees during the course of the organizing drive.
After a nine-month campaign, the vote to join the Union took place in late June. Organizers would like to thank the employees who assisted the campaign for their hard work and dedication.
There are lots of reasons that workers in the Healthcare Industry join a Union! Learn more here about why Health Care Workers Benefit from Belonging to a Union.
Or, have a look at some of the recent negotiation updates from UFCW Local 175 members in the health care sector. Could you and your co-workers benefit from some of these improvements? Talk to one of our Organizers about gaining the Union benefit by joining UFCW Local 175.
You should know, all conversations with our Organizers are confidential. You can reach them by email at or by phone at 1-800-565-8329 / 905-821-8329.
Check out these other recent stories about workers celebrating organizing victories!