Christian Horizon employees in Durham Region vote Union Yes

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December 1, 2020

After a lengthy campaign, Christian Horizon employees at 30 locations in the Durham Region have won their vote to join UFCW Local 175.

Christian Horizon employees in Durham region vote Union Yes

The employees at Christian Horizon work as Personal Support Workers (PSWs) and Developmental Service Workers (DSWs) in group homes for people with developmental and physical disabilities. The new bargaining unit will include approximately 250 full-time and 150 part-time employees, including relief and casual workers, at locations in Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, and Oshawa.

“These healthcare workers showed strength and dedication throughout the organizing campaign,” said Tim Hum, a UFCW Local 175 Organizer. “I am proud of their hard work to win Union Representation and I know they are looking forward to starting the bargaining process as soon as possible.”

Some of the reasons that these workers sought out UFCW Local 175 for representation include:

  • favouritism,
  • lack of respect from management,
  • and issues with wages and benefits.

Through bargaining their first collective agreement, these new members at Christian Horizon hope to negotiate for:

  • better wages and benefits,
  • a pension,
  • and job security.

In addition, the first contract will help address existing concerns about favouritism, health and safety, and more.

Congratulations to our newest members at Christian Horizon. Welcome to Your Union.

Just last summer, more than 370 Christian Horizon employees voted Union Yes at group homes in Richmond Hill, Toronto, and Vaughan, too! Read about that organizing victory here!

Read more stories of organizing victories celebrated by workers across Ontario!

Curious about what healthcare workers can negotiate for when they’re part of a Union? Check out some of the recently ratified UFCW 175 collective agreements in the industry.

Plus, learn more about how to Join our Union. You can also reach out to our Organizers directly at or 1-800-565-8329.
