Briton House Retirement ratifies wage and bargaining unit increases

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April 7, 2022

Briton House ratifiesThe Briton House Retirement Residence in Toronto ratified a two-year deal on March 23, 2022. Wage increases are Year 1 – 4% general wage increase retroactive to expiry and in Year 2 – 3% general wage increase for all classifications. There will also be a new weekend premium of $.10/hour.

Pension contributions will increase $0.01 in year 1 and in year 2 and there will be an increase in drug co-insurance from 90% to 100%. The dispensing fee payment was previously capped at $3 per prescription but will now be changed to a reasonable and customary  fee.

Other benefit improvements include an increase to the vision care allowance from $150 every 2 years to $250 every 2 years and the uniform allowance will increase by $10 per year for both full and part-time.

Briton House ratifies

Additionally, all of the temporary workers that were hired as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak will be moved into the bargaining unit by April 15, 2022.

Union Negotiating Committee: Maria Desumala, Eulalia Ferrer, Christine Pascal, Valbert Spencer. HOPE Sector Director: Sandra Ashcroft

Read more Negotiation Updates from the Local 175 HOPE Sector! What’s HOPE? It stands for Health, Office & Professional Employees.

In health care facilities, it is the front-line workers who shoulder the responsibility in caring for patients. Find out why Health Care workers benefit from belonging to our Union!

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