Bearskin Airline members ratify

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February 8, 2018

Bearskin Airlines workers in Thunder Bay have achieved a new collective agreement.

UFCW Locals 175 & 633 - Bearskin AirlinesThe details include progression rate increases of 1.5% in years one and two, and 1% in year three. In addition, top rates improve by 2% in years one and two, and 2.5% in the third year of the contract term.

Full-time employees benefit from Sick Bank improvements. Workers may bank up to 80 hours and any remaining unused will be paid out if an employee resigns.

The employer will pay a shoe allowance of $50 in year one, $55 in year two, and $60 in year three. The Training Premium improves to $1.50 per hour, up from 50 cents.

Improved language says the employer will pay out pay cheque errors over $50 within three days.

Members ratified the three-year agreement on February 3, 2018.

Union Negotiating Committee: Emilia Honke, Anna Maria Santorelli, Union Rep Tracy Stubbs, and Region 1 Director Kelly Tosato.

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