Baxter’s Bakery ratifies

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March 27, 2024

Baxter’s Bakery ratifies new collective agreement with wage improvements and eliminate two-tiered wage grid.

The members in Cobourg employed by Baxter’s Bakery ratified a three-year deal on March 3, 2024.

Members have achieved wage increases as follows:

Year 1 –

  • Level 1 classification $2.50/hour wage adjustment on DOR.
  • Level 3 classification $5.00/hour wage adjustment on DOR
  • 4% increase and retroactive payment to Level 1, Level 3 and skilled trades from November 30, 2023.

Year 2 – 3% increases to all classifications.

Year 3 – 3% increases to all classifications.

In addition, the two-tier wage grid will be deleted by the end of the term. The lead hand premium increases from $1.00/hour to $2.00/hour. The afternoon shift premium increases from 40 cents per hour to 75 cents per hour and the night shift premium increases from 50 cents per hour to $1.00.

Benefit improvements will see the insurance co-pay improved to 70/30 employer/member (previously 60/40).

Language improvements include:
  • Prescription/Safety glasses allowance $175 every 24 months.
  • $75 for eye exam every 24 months.
  • One floater day to be taken at mutually agreed time.
  • Tool allowance increase from $200 to $300.
  • Boot allowance increase from $100 to $150 ($200 for freezer boots).
  • Employees covered in the scope of the bargaining unit will remain members of the Union as a condition of employment.
  • When the death of a listed family member occurs while an employee is on shift and the employee is notified while at work, they shall be entitled to leave work with pay for the remainder of their shift without any such remainder of the shift being considered the first day of bereavement leave pay.
  • There will be a ten-day trial period for new job postings.
  • Weekly schedule language improvements.

Union negotiating committee: David Gay, Nikki Kuzma, and Derek Owens. Union representative: Sean Carroll.

See more negotiation updates from the industrial food sector, including beverage production.

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