Aviscar Ottawa Members vote to approve new agreement
November 2, 2017
On October 23, 2017, Union members who work at Aviscar in Ottawa voted on a new agreement.
The ratified contract is four years long and covers 15 full-time and 34 part-time workers.
The Union negotiating committee achieved a new wage grid which provides a gap above any announced minimum wage increases to ensure rates stay ahead of the provincial minimum. In addition, Members receive hourly rate increases of between 5 and 35 cents in June of each year of the contract term plus lump sums between $75 and $350 yearly in September.
The employer wanted concessions but the negotiating committee fought hard through four days of bargaining. In the end, the committee was successful in maintaining the current Health and Welfare benefits for these Union workers. They also maintained the daily paid 15-minute breaks. Language improvements address extra hours and overtime, as well as out-of-town shuttling.
Union Negotiating Committee: Francine Berubé, Ryan Black, Victor Gomez, Union Rep Lionel MacEachern and Servicing Rep Jacques Niquet.
Catch up on all the negotiation highlights from across the province here.