Australian Union Organizer Visits the UFCW

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June 11, 2019

Australian Organizer from AMWU visits Toronto and the UFCWLast week our organizers had the pleasure of spending the day with Gaynor Ramsay, an Organizer from Australia. Gaynor works for the Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union. She is an organizer in the food and confectionary and food processing sectors.  Recently Gaynor received an award from her Union in recognition for the work she does on behalf of women.  Gaynor was able to choose where she wanted to go to further her knowledge of women at work and she chose Toronto!

On June 5th, Gaynor spent the day with our Local and Debora De Angelis from our National Office. She had a tour of our Mississauga office and met with some of our organizing team. They had good conversation regarding organizing in Australia versus here in Ontario. Organizing stories and strategies were exchanged as well.

Australian Organizer from AMWU visits Toronto and the UFCWWe then had a tour of Maple Lodge Foods in Brampton. Gaynor was absolutely fascinated at the size, the number of workers and the amount of product that is processed in the plant.  It certainly was an eye opener. As an organizer she had never seen a processing plant this large. We were fortunate to have Executive Board VP and Chief Steward Glen Avila along to gives us the tour. We were proud to show her one of units and our members at work.

She spent four days last week with the UFCW. Her first day was spent with the UFCW National office, one day with Local 175 & 633, one day with Local 1006(a) and one day with the OFL.

Thank you, Gaynor, for spending the day with us and sharing with us the way that union organizing works in Australia. Our staff and organizers were fortunate to have met with you gained valuable knowledge from your experience.

You can read why people are joining our Union here in our Organizing Victories. 
