Airlane Hotel members ratify

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January 28, 2019

On January 16, 2019, members at the Airlane Hotel ratified a renewal agreement reached through conciliation with the employer.

The Union Negotiating Committee achieved important language regarding vacations, plus policies on employees’ gratuities at the Airlane Hotel.

UFCW 175 members at the Airlane Hotel in Thunder Bay ratify new agreementThe three-year contract includes wage increases in each year of the term. In addition, members benefit from an improved safety shoe allowance of $80 per year, up from $60. Plus, the regular shoe allowance goes up to $50 per year, up from $25, as well.

Bereavement leave increases to four days, up from three, for the death of an immediate family member.

Union Negotiating Committee: Patsy Duncan, Heather Harasym, Randy Rix, Louise Thorpe, Union Rep Tracy Stubbs, and Secretary-Treasurer and Director of Region 1, Kelly Tosato.

UFCW Locals 175 & 633 - Hotel ImageDid you know that some hotels where our members work offer discounts to Members of UFCW Locals 175 & 633?

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