ADM employees at Windsor Grain Terminal ratify

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July 10, 2019

Members of UFCW Local 175 employed at the ADM Milling Windsor Grain Terminal ratified a new agreement recently.

In the first year, all employees receive a raise of 1.5% including retroactive pay for hours worked since February 19, 2019. Subsequent increases over the second, third, and fourth years of the agreement term total 6%. The shift differential, paid on top of the regular rate, for those on 12-hour shifts at Windsor Grain Terminal improves to 75 cents per hour, up from 50 cents. Additional monetary improvements include an increase to the safety wear allowance to $450 per year, up from $350.

Windsor Grain Terminal employees ratifyThe Union Negotiating Committee successfully maintained the employees’ ability to book vacation time in single days, up to a maximum of three weeks. Lastly, bereavement leave now provides five days’ paid leave instead of three.

This four-year agreement, ratified by members on June 9, 2019, covers 23 full-time unionized employees at the Windsor Grain Terminal.

Union Negotiating Committee: Fred Damphouse and Union Rep Dave Forbes.

Read more recent negotiation updates for the members of UFCW Locals 175 & 633.

Plus, as a Union member with UFCW Locals 175 & 633, there are scholarships available to be won for post-secondary education! So, check out more details here. Applications to win one of 88 Solidarity Scholarship – $1,000 each – must be in by August 1 each year.
