31st Annual Convention of the National Defence Fund

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July 12, 2017

The 31st Annual convention of the National Defence Fund was held from July 10-11, in Quebec City.

The National Defence Fund provides participating bargaining unit members with additional financial resources in the event of a strike or lockout. If you have questions about the NDF, please speak to your Union Representative.

This year, trade agreements were a main area of discussion. In particular, talks focused on the re-negotiation of NAFTA and how it will affect manufacturing in Canada where Supply Management is of particular interest to our Dairy and Poultry sectors.

Delegates heard from the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) about Mental Health in the Workplace. This discussion addressed how stigma can affect workers, and how Mental Health as a Social Justice issue.

In addition, members participated in sector specific meetings over the course of the two days as well.


Find out more about the National Defence Fund here.
