The Town of Petawawa Firefighters ratified a three-year agreement on February 26, 2023. These members receive wage increase in accordance with the Town By-Laws.

Effective June 1st, 2024 members with three years of service will receive GLOBE firefighter boots which remain the property of the town in the event the firefighter leaves the fire service. All employees will be provided with First Aid and CPR training and maintain certification.

Appendix ‘A’ will now list specific job classifications for the Assistant Deputy Chiefs. Acting Captains will now be referenced as “Lieutenants.” The word “volunteer” will be replaced with “firefighter” wherever it appears in the CBA. Firefighters must receive minimum Certification required under 0. Reg 343/22 Firefighter Certification, as amended from time to time, based on the level of fire protection services required by the Town.

Other language improvements include:

Union negotiating committee: Peter Moss and Bill Tabram. Union representatives: Shannon Epp and Kim Hunter.

Catch up on all the negotiation highlights from across the province here.

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