2019 Bylaw & Policy Conference
May 9, 2019
On May 4, 2019, more than 360 registered Stewards and Executive Board took part in the UFCW Locals 175 & 633 Bylaw & Policy Conference.
This conference takes place every four years and is an opportunity for members to make proposals on their Union’s policies and procedures, and bylaws. In addition, the day featured presentations from President Haggerty, Secretary-Treasurer Kelly Tosato, and a number of guest speakers.
Following a traditional welcome by Wanda Whitebird of the Mi’kmaq nation Bear Clan, President Haggerty gave an in-depth presentation on what’s taken place at the Union over the last two years and what’s happening as we move forward.
President Haggerty’s Report
President Haggerty reinforced the Local’s commitment to servicing and negotiating strong collective agreements that include good wages, benefits, and working conditions, as well as better health and safety rights, anti-harassment and anti-violence policies, pension protection, and inclusive, gender-neutral language. In addition, he reported briefly on the work of each of the Union’s departments and committees as well.
The topic of politics took up a large part of President Haggerty’s presentation to the delegates. With a current provincial government that is decimating publicly funded programs, and an upcoming federal election too, it’s an important time for the Union, all members, and all working people to get involved.
Secretary-Treasurer Tosato’s Report
Secretary-Treasurer Kelly Tosato gave a detailed presentation on the assets, income, and expenditures of the Local Union. Since last reported at the Education & Finance Conference in 2017, the combined equity of the Local Unions has increased by more than $2 million. Secretary-Treasurer Tosato also reported that the Local 175 Strike Fund currently has assets totalling $8.4 million, putting us in a good position to support any members that decide to take strike action.
The proposed budget and audited financials for last year will be made available to members for review and approval at the upcoming June membership meetings. In conclusion, Secretary-Treasurer Tosato thanked the Union’s Investment Committee – comprised of nine Local Union officers, staff, and Executive Board members – who oversee the Local’s financial investments for their hard work.
As always, this year’s conference included a number of guest speakers:
- UFCW International President Marc Perrone,
- Recently elected UFCW International Secretary-Treasurer Shaun Barclay, and;
- UFCW Canada President Paul Meinema.
To end the morning portion of the conference, the Local Union’s Bylaw & Policy Committee took to the stage to go through the proposed amendments to the Policies and Procedures, and Bylaws.
The afternoon was full of motivation and thoughtful discussions from Farrah Khan, Gabrielle Carteris, and Tanya Talaga.
Last, but not least, the afternoon wrapped up with a funny and invigorating performance from Choir! Choir! Choir! This musical duo had the delegates laughing and up on their feet singing along to With A Little Help from My Friends by the Beatles.
The full story of all the days events will be available in our May issue of checkout magazine coming soon.